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Dive deep with us for multi-day journeys, designed to take you on a transformational journey with a group of fellow seekers and explorers. 

We carefully craft our retreats to be powerful, fun, expansive and impactful, offering you an experience you won't soon forget!

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A whole week of sacred intimacy, conscious connection, Tantric relating and celebration?? Oh yes, it's the Sensual Arts Retreat!


This retreat has been expanding hearts and awakening bodies since 2019. Join one of our deep-dive experiences if you're ready for a transformational experience like no other. 


This retreat is for those who have been navigating the path of Tantra and embodiment for some time, and are looking for a deep container with a slower pace and more focus on living what we know, surrendering more to life and experiencing deep community support. With the incredible Ellie Wilde joining us, it's sure to be transformational and deeply touching. 

This retreat is for those ready to brave the shadows- to liberate themselves from outdated conditioning, shame and wounding that hold them back from living their most authentic, fully expressed self! Based on Tantric philosophy, Jungian shadow work and transformational healing modalities, we'll bring the unconscious to the light and have fun along the way. 

more coming soon

We have more retreats in the works for later in the year! Please stay tuned, join our telegram or mailing list to stay up to date!

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